Belonging is experienced when a group of generative people collaborate within a system. It requires understanding and confirmation of each person's essential identity. Each identity is expressed and supported reciprocally within a larger inTERdependent system. The individual identities create a cooperative community of collaboration around a generative purpose that challenges, reveals, and refines each element of the system.
The Wolves in Yellowstone video. Excellent narration but, the wolves did not change the rivers, they filled in a missing part of a generative system. They were missing (and returned) because of human intervention. When the system re-organized itself upon the return of the wolves, it became generative again. Every system can heal itself if all the parts of it are valued and active according to their essential identities. Also, the "deer" in this video are elk most of the time. See if you can find all the changes that took place. (4.5m)
Influence in a social network. Even when we are not trying to, we measurably influence each others thoughts, feelings, and behaviors up to three degrees away (our friend's friend's friend's). If you have five friends, that is 625 people in your network. Given that belonging is contagious, a small group of people can literally change the world.
Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy on the deadly epidemic of loneliness. "We need each other." (5.75m)
The research quoted by Murthy is from Holt-Lunstad, Smith and Layton: Social Relationships and Mortality Risk: A Meta-analytic Review
In a meta-analysis of 148 studies with a sample of 308,849 people, "multidimensional assessments of social integration yielded...a 91% increase in odds of survival. "The quality and quantity of our social relationships is linked to morbidity and mortality." "Loneliness is the health equivalent to smoking 15 cigarettes a day." |
Happiness and health comes from relationships. 13m
Self-organizing systems: we are part of a system becoming synchronized through local interaction. Separate identities give and take in response to each other and their environment. This causes adaptation and every improving order. 12m
The Chapman Swifts come to Portland every September. They gather and murmurate (ornithologists call it a cluster flock - no joke) before they rest for the night - in the chimney. The follow three rules as they interact with the seven birds closest to them.
1. Don't bump into each other 2. Fly in alignment 3. Stay with the group Might be some good wisdom there... 2.5m Emergence - how all the tiny things self-organize by cooperating in small, connected groups.
Grandmothers are More Effective Healers than Psychiatrists: There are more of them and they are more relatable - story and belonging! 12m